Toledo Rotary Club Foundation collaborates to purchase microscope for San Pedro Sula

The Toledo Rotary Foundation awarded $1,000 to the Fundacion Hondurena Para El Nino Con Cancer (Children’s Cancer Clinic) which is located at the Hospital de la Liga Contra el Cancer in San Pedro Sula, Honduras for the purchase of a microscope. The microscope will be utilized to promptly evaluate blood samples and determine appropriate treatment for patients. Before the purchase, samples were sent away which delayed significantly and impacted the care given to the children.  This clinic received a new roof as a result of contributions from clubs within District 6600. This purchase was a collaboration of Toledo Rotary, Rotary Club of Findlay, and District 6600 for a total purchase of $4,000. This grant is just one example of how Toledo Rotary can leverage District funds to increase awards to deserving groups.
