Committee Selection Form

The heart of Rotary’s impact and fellowship lies within its committees. Whether you’re passionate about community service, mentoring youth, or fostering peace, joining a committee is the best way to make a difference and build meaningful connections with fellow Rotarians. Our committees are where ideas take root, where projects come to life, and where lifelong friendships are formed. By getting involved, you’ll not only help transform lives locally and globally but also discover the true spirit of Rotary—service above self. Explore the committees below and find your place to make an impact!

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Community Services
As a member of Community Service, you have an opportunity to participate in the review of grant requests from a broad section of our community. This committee meets 6-8 times/ year to review and discuss grant requests and projects impacting our local community. Non-profits we have supported in the past include the Cherry Street Mission, Sunshine, Habitat for Humanity, Toledo Ballet, Little Sisters of the Poor and many more. This committee spearheads annual service projects such as Salvation Army bell-ringers, a spring clean-up and more. Involvement with the Community Services Committee offers hands-on opportunities that make a difference right here in our own community. This committee will spearhead efforts, through club members, to work with local government, businesses and organizations to form a coalition to advocate for the remediation and elimination of harmful lead exposure in homes and apartments in Toledo. Initial focus will help organize efforts to identify buildings with high levels of lead and individuals who may have been exposed to these high levels.
Disability Services
Committee members have an opportunity to participate in the long-history of our Club’s focus and service of helping others maintain a relatively normal lifestyle, no matter what their ability. Our Club’s long history with Glendale Feilbach elementary school and the Ability Center have created regularly promoted committee and club projects. Among them last year included a day at Camp Miakonda. This committee manages all grant requests for any type of disability and meets 6-8 times/year. The Disability Service Committee studies the needs and challenges of the disabled community and recommends steps and procedures to provide solutions.
Environmental Services
This service committee seeks to strengthen the conservation and protection of natural resources, advance ecological sustainability, and foster harmony between communities and the environment. Past efforts have included planting trees in Toledo Metroparks and working organizing the Lake Erie Water Conference. The committee considers and recommends area environment-related grant requests.
International Services
The International Service Committee manages international grant requests and projects. International Service adopted three rural villages in Honduras with a commitment to long-term development in this area from our Club and holds 6-8 meetings per year. Using worldwide Rotary resources, this committee involves every member in advancing International understanding, goodwill, and peace. International Service Committee is connected with our Club’s district 6600 through MESA (Medical Equipment Supplies Abroad), water projects, and more.
Peace Subcommittee
Rotary’s goal today is to create environments where peace can be built and maintained through sustainable and measurable activities in communities worldwide. Peacebuilding remains a cornerstone of our mission as a humanitarian service organization. The Peace Subcommittee is committed to engaging in dialogues and projects that promote positive peace in their community and across the globe.
Foundation Advisory Committee
The FAC plays a key role in administering and providing the final steps of due diligence in our grant making process. This committee serves as the platform to hear and review each grant request presented by each chair or vice chair of the service committees. Together, members decide and recommend which grants will move forward for final approval from the Club Board and Foundation Trustees. The FAC is comprised of each service committee chair, vice chair, a foundation trustee, and members at large. Overall it is not anticipated that this committee would consist of more than 25.
Vocational Services
Vocational Service Committee members play an integral role in mentoring youth and adults in their respective vocations. Vocational Services promotes ‘Networking that Supports & Fosters the Four-Way Test’! Committee members focus on development of professions, trades, and education within the community’s chosen vocations. As a Vocational Service Committee member, you will have an opportunity to review and manage grant requests for new and existing vocational programs; this committee meets 6-8 per year. Vocational Service provides an opportunity to mentor & help high school seniors with mock interviews and participation in the 4-way speech contest within our Club and District.
Youth Services
Committee members have an opportunity to experience and manage multiple grant requests that impact the youth in our immediate area. Past Youth Service grant requests have come from Claire’s Day, Toledo School for the Arts, Children and Youth Services, and others. This committee will manage grant requests during each of the grant cycles, participate in site visits, and make recommendations to their committee for projects they feel will have the greatest impact, meeting 4-6 times per year. The committee discovers the problems challenging young people, cooperates with existing social agencies, and establishes help with new organizations when needed.
This committee has two subcommittees: Membership Engagement and New Members. Membership Engagement subcomittee engages members in activities outside of the regular Club meetings. These activities are always fun and focus on fellowship. This committee encourages members to regularly attend meetings and get involved in all facets of the Club. New Members subcommittee (a) identifies member prospects; (b) encourages current members to seek and propose new members, and (c) encourages the newest members of the Club to get involved. It sponsors and holds a new member fellowship orientation four (4) times a year to engage new members and provide information. The committee and its members will also determine, develop, and implement at least one committee service project during the fiscal year. If you are interested in both Development and Engagement, you are welcome to select both.
Public Image
This Club committee recommends, reviews, and implements activities regarding external communications and promotion. This encompasses creation and management of marketing campaigns, maintaining contacts with local media through periodic press releases regarding meetings and events of notable public interest, and maintaining internal connections with other Club functions and committees in support of membership recruitment, retention, and Club sustainability.
Program Committee
This Club committee prepares & arranges programs for all Club meetings. The Program committee meets quarterly to review submitted ideas & speakers and determine the viability of speakers. Members vote to approve or deny which speakers will become part of our Monday program meetings.
Finance/Audit Committee
This Club committee works directly with the president, secretary/treasurer, and executive director to develop a comprehensive annual budget for the Club, makes recommendations for policy & procedure surrounding financial record-keeping & processing. The committee reviews any audit. The finance committee meets quarterly or as called upon to review the budget.
Friendship Committee
This Club committee communicates with members in times of illness, as well as in celebration of special life events. This committee also oversees informing the Club of the passing of past and current members.
Reflection/Invocation Committee
This Club committee provides a weekly reflection/ invocation at regular and special club meetings.
Youth Exchange Coordinator Committee
The Youth Exchange committee coordinates the inbound and outbound Youth Exchange activities in your district and communicates regularly with Rotary International, the district governor, and our club, sponsoring exchange students. All are also responsible for protecting Youth Exchange participants from physical, sexual, and emotional abuse by making sure exchanges follow Rotary certification requirements and local laws.
Constitution Committee
This Club committee reviews and recommends changes to the Club Constitution or by-laws to the Board for approval.
Book Club
French Club
International Yachting Fellowship of Rotarians (IYFR)