
Toledo Rotary members work side by side in hands-on service projects throughout the year giving back to the community.  Rotarians enjoy a multitude of fun-filled social events including the annual holiday party, Paint for Polio, the quarterly after-hours Rotary Unplugged socials, bowling, golf and so much more.  As founder Paul Harris envisioned, fellowship through Rotary creates lifelong friendships.

Tailgating at The Toledo Club

On October 25th, college football returned to TV.  Rotarians met up at the Toledo Club, Rotary’s new home, for a chilly, but fun outdoor tailgate party.  While it was cold, it was still a great time for those who attended and shared in the fellowship.  Thank you Toledo Club for hosting!

Cider & Donuts

Rotarians gathered for a small breakfast at the Middlegrounds Metropark, which was supported by the Toledo Rotary Club Foundation with a $300,000 grant in 2016.  Members shared donuts and, cider provided by Rotarian Kevin Mullan and his “cider” firetruck.  Meeting outside at the Middlegrounds provided individuals the opportunity to network while still practicing social distancing and adhering to the CDC guidelines.

Virtual Social

On April 30th, during quarantine, Rotarians still got together over Zoom for some fellowship and fun.  Membership Engagement Chair, Maria White put together some general trivia for the group while Rotarians enjoyed a beverage of their choice from the comfort of their own living room.  Thank you Membership Engagement Committee, we can’t wait to do it again!

Bowling League

From October to March, Rotarians gather to throw polyurethane balls at helpless pins, having a great time doing so. This weekly league is terrific fun with a little competition thrown in for good measure and is a great way for Club members to share fellowship on an informal basis. At the conclusion of the season, a banquet is held celebrating the triumph and fun of the bowling year!

Cron Bink Steele Jami Wilkens

Glendale-Feilbach Annual Zoo Day

The Toledo Rotary Disability Service Committee through the Toledo Rotary Club Foundation partners and funds the annual Zoo Day bringing Rotarians, our Interact Club with St. Francis DeSales High School students, and students of Glendale-Feilbach elementary school for a day of fun and fellowship.  This service project partners Rotarians and Interact members with students challenged with physical impairments, learning limits, and more.

Holiday Party

Every December, Club members assemble to share in the reason for the season. The holiday party affords Club members and their significant others the chance to mingle and share merriment.

Kids Against Hunger Annual Food Pack

The Club’s New Member Committee members introduced this annual project/fellowship opportunity to Club members in 2012.  Funded by the Toledo Rotary Club Foundation, more than 100 Rotarians, family & friends arrive on a Saturday morning to pack 25,000 meals for Kids Against Hunger that is run locally by ISOH/Impact.  In a fun, two hour session, the meals are packed to distribute to the needy locally and globally.  Everyone agrees, this is a great way to spend a fun-filled morning that has a major impact on so many while enjoying a great deal of fun and fellowship.


Rotary Unplugged

The Club’s members gather quarterly at this informal after-hours social sharing stories and fellowship. Rotary Unplugged is a great way for new members to become acquainted with the Club and other members on a very low-key basis.

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