Donations to the Toledo Rotary Club Foundation are used to support projects in and around Toledo, regionally, and internationally. Donations of any amount are gratefully accepted, and Rotarians who donate $250 or more annually will be listed as a member of the President’s Club. Each year, the Toledo Rotary Club Foundation grants more than $200,000 annually to local, regional, and international 501c3 groups to better our communities.
Donate NowTo pay by check, please mail your check (payable to Toledo Rotary Club Foundation) to Toledo Rotary Club Foundation c/o Greater Toledo Community Foundation, 300 Madison Ave. Suite 1300 Toledo, OH 43604.
Contributions Made Easy
Our donation levels can be attained through monthly payments over a 12 month period.
President’s Club
$250 annually = $21/month for 12 months
International’s Challenge
Every member every year: $100 annually = $9/month for 12 months
Thanks to our generous Supporters!
Over the past several years, the Toledo Rotary Club Foundation has been able to:
- Donate 100% of the proceeds of our signature fundraiser, to Club-approved Transformational Projects – Lake Erie Watershed Crisis Conference, Early Literacy Development, and Penitas Arriba Village Transformation.
- Provided funding and volunteers for a Habitat for Humanity build project and a van for future home renovation projects.
- Fund bathroom and shower facilities renovation for Renewed Mind
- Build three porches on three homes for Open Door Ministries.
- Purchase a walk-in refrigerator for St. Pauls Homeless Shelter.
- Provide funds to the Epilepsy Center of Northwest Ohio to purchase automatic door operators for its building.
- Provide funding to the Ability Center for their dog assistance training center.
- Sponsor University of Toledo Engineer Without Borders and their water purification project in LaBarranca, Honduras.
- Pack and purchase 25,000 meals for Kids Against Hunger (ISOH Impact).
- Purchase art supplies for the adults with disabilities at Shared Lives Studio.
- Provide new gymnasium lighting for the Boys and Girls Club of Toledo.
- Update the parent education computer lab at Mom’s House.
- Fund the purchase of wireless microphones for the educational outreach programming at the Valentine Theatre.
- Assist the Padua Center in adding a ramp to its building making it accessible for all.
- Provide meals to children in the Mobile Meals of Toledo’s Weekender Program.