Dear Fellow Toledo Rotary Members:
This has been a great year for Toledo Rotary! Thanks to all of you, we (a) have many outstanding new members; (b) collaborated with other area Rotary Clubs on service projects; (c) increased public awareness of Rotary; and (d) approved and funded our three new transformational projects. We also had fun at our many social events and Monday meetings. Friendships were made and strengthened.
Rotary is the most significant service organization on earth. We can be proud that we are part of a worldwide movement that works to identify and remove obstacles that prevent men, women and children from having a better life. We are indeed people of action.
With the strong leaders we have in place, and an administrative staff that is second to none, we are poised to reach new heights in the years to come. I look forward to remaining an active Toledo Rotarian and continuing to work with all of you to make our Club bigger and better than ever.
This past year has been one of the most fulfilling of my life. I am grateful to all of you for the honor and experience of being President of one of the finest Rotary Clubs in the world.
Yours Always In Rotary Service,
Dick Wolff