Edward Ewers - Trends in Career and Technical Education

We are looking forward to hosting Superintendent Ewers at Glass City Center on January 13th, in the Main Ballroom. He will be share the work taking place by Penta Career Center to address the current demands of workforce development.


Mr. Ewers Biography:

Edward (Ed) Ewers is the superintendent of Penta Career Center, a career-technical school for high school and adult students, located in Perrysburg Township.  He has held this position since January 2020. 

Ewers first joined Penta Career Center in 2015 as the assistant superintendent.  Prior to Penta, Ewers served 4 years as the superintendent of Edon Northwest Local Schools, Edon, Ohio. From 2000 – 2011, Ewers served as a principal at Montpelier High School, after spending 5 years as a social studies teacher and coach with Montpelier Exempted Village Schools.

Present leadership roles on various community / regional / state organizations include:

  • Northwest Ohio CAPE Executive Board
  • Northern Buckeye Education Council Governing Board
  • Wood County Business Advisory Council
  • Greater Northwest Ohio Tech Prep Consortium Executive Committee
  • Wood County Schools Insurance Consortium Governing Board – Chair
  • Agriculture Incubators Foundation (AIF) Executive Board

Ewers is an active member with the Ohio Association of Career and Technical Superintendents (OACTS).

Originally, from Montpelier, Ohio, Ewers is a 1991 graduate of The University of Findlay (Bachelor of Arts in Education) and a 2000 graduate of Bowling Green State University (Master of Science in Education and Administrative Certification).  Ewers resides in Holland, Ohio with his wife, Kristen, and has three adult children.