Dave Wehrmeister - Boys and Girls Club

Boyville to Boys & Girls of Toledo: Over a Century of Service

Dave Wehrmeister has been affiliated with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Toledo for more than 50 years.  He was a Club member prior to beginning his career with the staff of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Toledo in 1973.  Currently, he serves as the Executive Director of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Toledo.

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Toledo has a bold vision: Success is within the reach of every child. They believe every boy and girl deserves a safe place to learn and grow; ongoing relationships with caring adult professionals; life-enhancing programs, character development experiences, and hope and opportunity for the future.

Four key characteristics define the essence of a Boys & Girls Club. All are critical in exerting a positive impact on the life of a child:
1. Dedicated Youth Facility: The Boys & Girls Club is a place designed for youth programs and activities.
2. Open Daily: The Club is open Monday through Friday, after school and in the summer, when children need positive, productive outlets.
3. Professional Staff: Every Club has full and part-time staff who are trained in youth development. Volunteers also provide key supplementary support.
4. Available and Affordable to All Youth: Membership dues are affordable and the Clubs reach out to children who may be without access to other community programs.