Three members of the Toledo Rotary Club’s International Service Committee Andria Dorsten Ebert, Guisselle Mendoza McDonald, and Dan Skilliter, are traveling to San Pedro Sula, Honduras with other Rotarians from around District 6600 representing clubs to conduct service projects with the Usula Rotary Club. While there, they will be working at the Casa de la Nina orphanage, the school Pompilio Ortega at El Zapotel, and witnessing the effects of the Toledo Rotary’s transformational project.
Upon their return, the Rotarians will be giving an update on the Toledo Rotary International Service Committee and their Honduras trip.
With a degree in International Studies and Spanish, Andria found a perfect fit for her Rotary service in the International Service Committee. Serving on the committee since joining Toledo Rotary in 2012, Andria served as the vice-chair in 2015-16 and is the current 2016-17 ISC chair.
Guisselle Mendoza McDonald is a newer Rotarian, joining the club in June 2015, but dove into active service using her bilingual skills and Nicaraguan heritage to support the International Service Committee’s projects in Central America.
Dan is new to International Service, but is not new to Rotary’s ideals of Service Above Self. As a fourth generation Rotarian, Service Above Self has always been a point of emphasis within his household. He officially joined the Toledo Rotary Club in 2011, has served as New Member Committee chair, Mentor Committee vice-chair, and serves on Toledo’s Foundation Advisory Committee. Within the District, Dan has worked on the Future Vision Planning Committee and as Membership co-chair.